Tailored Executive Recruiting

12 March 2024

From psychology to conscious leadership, discover how Yan Farah-Lajoie brings a human and innovative vision to the development of Défis RH.

“I have two missions in life. The first is to collect memories and experiences. The second is to make the world better one person at a time,” says Yan Farah-Lajoie. This tenet has been with Yan all his life, guiding his desire to understand and care for his fellow humans since his bachelor’s study in psychology. “I felt the need to study psychology because I was curious about human behavior, what drives and motivates people,” explains Yan.

Even though Yan pursued a career outside of psychology, his passion for interacting with human beings has remained throughout his professional career, up to his current role at Défis RH. “Being part of a service organization where caring for individuals is essential is incredibly rewarding,” says Yan.

After years in the corporate world, Yan observed that many organizations promote leaders who prioritize results, rarely worrying about the impact on their teams. The main measure for this type of manager is performance, and they show no consideration for people.

A colleague recommended Yan join a community of like-minded professionals called Conscious Leaders, whose goal was to reframe how companies approach executive leadership. “Mentoring is one of my passions. I have coached minor football for years, and it is a pleasure for me to see team members grow and have an impact on their personal development when they are given the means to fully exploit their potential,” says Yan.

The group inspired Yan to research further and nurture effective leadership in his roles. He explains how author Simon Sinek’s performance vs. trust diagram significantly impacted his perspective of management practices. The diagram, reflecting years of Sinek’s research across military and business institutions, shows how people equate strong performance with trust and vice versa. “The idea that compassionate leadership doesn’t deliver results is simply inaccurate. The concept of a compassionate leader is simple: care about others and lead them with love. This doesn’t mean ignoring difficult conversations or never firing employees; everything can be done, but you have to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself,” says Yan.

By joining Défis RH, Yan is enthusiastic about using his management experience to improve the efficiency, productivity, and cohesion of client teams. He is passionate about creating an environment where employees engage positively with their superiors, which aligns with the human-centered philosophy of Défis RH. “There is something so refreshing about being part of a service organization where, at their core, the why of the business is how you take care of human beings. Jessie and the team have uplifted Défis RH for eight years, so we are excited to challenge and brainstorm these new services. Daily, I will be working to strengthen Défis RH’s foundation and invigorate our services with a fresh set of eyes,” declares Yan.

With his experience in strategic sourcing and purchasing background, Yan will support clients looking for talent in specialized industries such as engineering and technology, ensuring that Défis RH connects them with ideal candidates. “Many of our clients are people we have helped in the past and who come back to us because their positive experience created a relationship of trust with our team. We are a human business, and these personal connections and interactions are invaluable to us. A new generation is entering the job market, looking for a sense of purpose and belonging, ” Yan explains. He firmly believes that positive initial interactions with managers can boost engagement, increase retention, and set the stage for tomorrow’s leaders.

Yan views his role at Défis RH as an opportunity to positively influence the community, emphasizing that our professional and personal lives are closely intertwined. Yan states, “If I can positively impact my professional sphere, it will spill over into people’s daily lives.” Yan is eager to promote Défis RH’s human approach to recruitment and foster organizational success.


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